Our outstanding indoor and outdoor facilities enable us to provide real-life, whole school connected learning experiences, and support the achievement, engagement and wellbeing for all.
We believe in creating active and engaged learners who can take risks and learn from their mistakes. Our extensive indoor and outdoor learning environments are designed to enable students to practice, discover, explore, critically and creatively think, play, communicate and problem-solve.
Environments are designed to enable explicit teaching, investigative play and problem-based learning.
Indoor classrooms, specialist areas and whole-school spaces including the Library and Wellbeing Hub are transformed into modern, air-conditioned and inviting world-class learning spaces. A central walkway links all units and school buildings to the covered community courtyard.
Each unit is named after sea creatures in relation to our connection to the beach and sea. Sea Star, Dolphin and Turtle host our Junior Primary students whilst Pelican and Seadragon host years 3-6
Our Learning Landscapes
Extensive grounds provide the backdrop for a wide range of outdoor sports, and active learning. Outstanding student and family designed nature areas, including Wongga Wirra, Walkway Woods, PEACE Garden, School Garden, STEM Junior Primary space and our recently transformed Central Community Courtyard are spaces to chill and learn.
In our Japanese PEACE garden you are able to undertake quiet, calm activities, sometimes led by Japanese student leaders. In our large outdoor nature space, students are able to build cubby houses, explore the various pathways, and learn about the various native shrubs, sometimes coming across a lounge of friendly bearded lizards.
Outdoor spaces also exist between buildings and here children can discover and play - developing their imagination and curiosity. Our central courtyard, adjacent to our library, is a cool, sheltered space which has its own performance stage and seating adjacent to our transformed Performing Arts Centre. Here, you can regularly find students preparing dances and performing together. The Wongga Wirra allows students to explore and learn about culture, whilst our Kindy Court is a connected early years play space. Movement walks are designed into the indoor and outdoor spaces to support students sensory needs and provide brain breaks.
All spaces were co-designed from the collaborative voice of parents and staff and ably lead by students as part of the Learning Landscapes Action Team. Upper Primary students can select to be Nature Play Crew Leaders and are trained in peer mediation to support younger students in these wonderful play and learning spaces. Recent suggested leadership roles will also incorporate Student Wellbeing Leaders and Sea Start support team, which will see older students support younger students to learn and play in our wonderful Early Years spaces.
With access to the local beach,nearby parks, West Lakes Sports facilities, including the Jubilee Reserve and Tennis Courts we truly have an outstanding environment for our children.
Here's a map to help you navigate your way. School tours can be booked via this website. Our Student Ambassadors look forward to showing you around.